Manchester Fire Explorers
Post 7635
-Applicants must complete an application form and meet with Advisor(s) for an interview.
-Must be cleared through a background check
-Must notify Advisors of Post 7635 if there are any medical considerations that may prohibit applicant from
performing certain functions.
-Newly appointed Explorers will be placed on six (6) month probation. The Explorer(s) will be reviewed at the end
of such time period.
-Each member shall conduct his or herself in a manner not unbecoming of an Explorer. Remember, you are in the eyes of the public and your appearance and behavior is what the public judges Post 7635 and the Manchester Fire Dept on. This applies to your personal lives as well as when involved in a post or department function.
-All Explorers are subject to the same scrutiny as a regular member of the department.
-Items that will be subject for dismissal from the post include
· Drug or alcohol use during any department or post function and/or conviction of the above.
· Conduct unbecoming of Public Safety Personnel.
· Any illegal activity
· Any other items which would require the attention of the Advisor(s) and/or Committee Member which would deem the Explorer unfit for the post.
-A youth oriented program, under the auspices of the Learning for Life, sponsored by the Manchester Fire Department.
A) Purpose:
· To expose and educate young men and women to the varied procedures of firefighting and rescue techniques through classroom and hands on situations.
· To hopefully advance throughout the community the knowledge of the firefighting/rescue field.
· To allow youths the opportunity to explore the fire/rescue field as a possible career choice.
-The Manchester Fire Dept. Fire Explorer Program is an official department program. It is guided by the procedures of the Learning for Life Fire Exploring Division.
-The Manchester Fire Chief shall have final authority on all matters pertaining to the operational procedures of the program.
-The Fire Exploring Division of Learning for Life has a suggested list of rules pertaining to the safety of the Explorers which shall be adopted and adhered to by the Manchester Fire Explorers. They are:
I. Explorers must be closely supervised when involved in emergency training.
II. Explorers must be equipped with safety gear appropriate to the job needed to be done. Equipment shall be worn during all trainings and actual evolutions.
III. Explorers are not to be used to make up personnel shortages.
IV. Explorers may be mobilized by the department when needed for emergencies. An explorer who goes to an incident scene in his/her own vehicle does so as a citizen and will not be involved in the incident whatsoever.
V. Only qualified, trained explorers, upon approval from the Advisors, shall be allowed to respond to alarms in fire department vehicles. They must be seated and wear seat belts. No Standing or riding in open cabs.
VI. Explorers will not drive fire apparatus.
VII. Explorers must conform to the rules and regulations of the Manchester Fire Department.
VIII. Explorers may train on aboveground operations provided there are two (2) qualified instructors who are constantly in attendance, one on the ground and one above.
IX. Explorers may not work with hose lines over 2 ½ inches in diameter.
X. At no time will any explorer be allowed to advance into a burning structure.
A) Explorer Post
-basic unit of the post will not exceed 20 members.
B) Command Structure
-the post shall consist of members holding the following authoritative rank within the post. Each rank title may hold a dual purpose to the post.
Post Chief – President
Post Deputy Chief – Treasurer
Post Captain – Secretary
Post Lieutenants – Program Officer and Administrative Officer
EMS Coordinator – Liaison between EMS Core and Post Chief
Post Historian – Journalist/Photographer
-The effectiveness of any individual will be based upon both, post rank and alternate role.
-Each Post Lieutenant shall be in charge of a company; a group of Explorers without rank assigned to the Lieutenant
C) Reduction of Rank
-any Explorer may be relieved of their rank at the discretion of the Post Advisors. The vacated position to be filled through appointment or secrete ballot, whichever the post agrees on.
D) Term in Office
-all post officers shall serve for a one (1) year term. Elections will be held on the second meeting of each June, with elected positions taking effect second meeting of July. Elections will be by secrete ballot. Officers may serve as many terms as the post membership votes him/her in.
E) Voting procedures
-on the night of elections, the Advisor(s) present will ask from the group who is interested in running for a particular position, starting with the rank of Lieutenant (both categories). Each member interested will be given the opportunity to speak on their behalf on why the membership should vote them in. Explorers must be present to present their own case. After all speeches have been given, the membership will then vote by secrete ballot choosing one person for each position. The votes will be counted by the advisor(s) and results will be given that evening. Responsibilities of each elected officer will begin the following July.
F) Duties of Post Officers
1) Post Chief (President)
-serves as the youth leader of the post.
-implement post program through post officers and members
-represent the post at Exploring Organization Association Meetings and at planning conferences and be available to report back to post.
-appoint chairpersons to special projects and follow up with chairperson.
-present an annual report to post and chartered organization at the end of the term.
-assess on an ongoing basis whether the responsibilities of the officers are being considered and carried out effectively.
-provides an example to others on approaching exploring in a positive spirit.
The Post Chief is responsible for all activities that go on within the post, regardless of whom the Chief assigns to coordinate it.
2) Post Deputy Chief (Treasurer)
-serves as the financial officer and, in that position, maintains financial records and monitors the post budget.
-collects and disburses post funds.
-communicates with the officers and members on a regular basis to keep them informed about their finances.
-carries out the duties of Post Chief in his/her absence.
3) Post Captain
-serves as the communication officer and in that position, manages all the communications and publicity for the post.
-maintains post membership records and attendance records.
-handles post correspondence and minutes
-coordinates post publicity through local media, newsletters, and post telephone network.
-assumes the responsibilities of senior post officers in their absence.
4) Post Lieutenants
4a) Administrative Lieutenant
-serves as administrative officer of the post
-leads the recruiting and admission of new members during the year.
-organizes and recognizes the achievements of post members.
-conducts opening and closing ceremonies for special occasions as scheduled.
-attends all post activities.
-participates in Learning For Life Training Conferences.
-assumes the responsibilities of senior post officers in their absence.
4b) Program Lieutenant
-serves as the program officer in the post and, in that position, arranges the program planning process for the post.
-collects and maintains a post activity file consisting of the Program Capability Inventory (a listing of post member interest and suggestions for activities), program resources, and an annual activity schedule.
-determines the interest of the post members on an ongoing basis.
-provides support for the chairman and committee of each activity
-maintains an up-to-date calendar for post meetings and activities.
-assumes the responsibilities of senior post officers in their absence.
5) Post Historian
-shall be responsible for generating photographs of all post activities and functions.
-maintain the post photo albums
-keep all photos available to post members.
G) General Duties
-All post officers and advisors shall be responsible for maintaining discipline and order in the post.
-All post members shall accept work assignments and duties as assigned by post officers and advisors.
A). Post membership shall be limited to the ages of fourteen (14) and a graduate of 8th grade, to twenty one (21) years inclusively.
1-If an explorer, after reaching age 21, wishes to remain active in the program, he/she may do so as an advisor, pending approval by Chartered Representative and Advisors.
B). Members should be of good moral character as determined by the post advisors and the department.
C). Members should have an interest in either Fire Exploring, Rescue Exploring, or Medical Exploring.
D). It is the purpose of the Daniel Webster Council and this post to promote scholastics. In regards to this, any explorer that withdraws from high school, by either voluntary withdrawal or dismissal, will be placed on a 1 month probationary period to either resume their education or withdraw from the post permanently.
E). Members that become employees of the Manchester Fire Department who are also explorers in the program may remain a member of the Explorer Post for the remainder of the year. If there is interest in staying with the explorer program, it will be as an advisor after their 1 year probationary period as a firefighter.
F). Any explorer who chooses to resign from Post 7635 must do so in writing submitted to the post chief or advisor. All articles given the explorer must be returned to the post at that time.
A) Dress Shirt (short sleeve)
-button front shirt with explorer patch on left sleeve, American Flag on right (flag flying to back). Name, if you choose,
can be embroidered over left pocket.
A) T-Shirts (long and short sleeve)
-color will be green.
B) Pants
-color will be navy blue, shade being concurrent with trousers in the post.
C) Belt
-black leather or nylon.
D) Shoes
-black shoes or boots, preferably with a steel toe, shall be worn
E) Socks
-black or navy colored socks shall be worn with low cut black shoes or boots.
F) Uniforms shall be worn at all post meetings and exploring functions.
G). Uniforms will be clean and neat whenever worn.
-Hair must be neat, clean, and combed. Hair and/or length of hair shall not interfere with wearing of protective equipment or present a hazard to the explorer. Piercings and/or jewelry will be removed during firefighting training evolutions.
-All members of the post are required to pay a $2.00 dues at each regularly scheduled meeting. Dues shall be recorded by the treasurer. Dues are expected to be paid even when a member does not attend a meeting.
-each member will be required to wear their full uniform at each meeting.
-Meetings will be held 2nd + 4th Tuesday each month from 1800 hrs. (6:00) to 2000 hrs. (8:00). Location of meeting to be determined at the previous meeting.
-members must inform their officer if attendance is not possible.
-Four (4) consecutive, uninformed absences will result in disciplinary action determined by the post advisors.
-The post advisors may grant a “leave of absence” to any member due to an unavoidable circumstance. The request must be in writing from the explorer.
Rules and Regulations
A) Any explorer who violates any law of the State, County, City, or disrupts any meeting or refuses to obey an order from the Post Advisors, Post Officers, or any officer of the Manchester Fire Department will be subject to disciplinary actions.
B) Members shall conform to and abide by the By-Laws of this post.
C) Members will conduct themselves in a quiet, civil, and orderly manner; shall at all times be attentive and zealous in the discharge of their duties, controlling their tempers, and exercising the utmost patience and discretion. They must refrain at all times from using coarse, violent, profane, or insolent language.
D) Members, if found intoxicated shall be immediately suspended.
E) Members are expected to speak the truth at all times and under all circumstances.
F) Members shall notify the proper authorities of all crimes, fires, accidents, complaints, and information of the same which may come to their attention.
G) Members shall treat their supervising and superior officers with respect.
H) Members shall not speak critically or derogatory regarding any orders or instructions issued to them in open. Any and all complaints will be brought directly to the issuing party and resolved immediately.
I) Any and all documentation and information, told or seen shall be completely confidential. The general public puts a great amount of trust into the hands of fire/rescue personnel. This trust shall not be violated by any member of the post. Violations will result in immediate dismissal from the post.
J) Members shall not accept from any person money, reward, gift, or other compensation as a result of being a member of the explorer post, unless money or gift is directly related to fund raisers sponsored by the post with monies going directly into post funds.
K) Members shall be responsible for the proper care of the post and department property and will promptly report any loss of, damage to, or unserviceable condition of such property to the advisors.
L) Explorers are prohibited from smoking at all general meetings and post functions. Smoking is prohibited in all public buildings.
M) Explorers may not respond to any scene, fire or rescue, with their own vehicle. Explorers will be forbidden to have any form of emergency lighting or sirens in their vehicle.
-Explorers will wear seat belts at all times when in any department vehicle.
-Explorers will be covered by Learning For Life liability coverage insurance. It is an umbrella policy which pays benefits after individual’s family policy.
-The Manchester Fire Chief and/or the Post Advisors reserve the right to amend, delete, or suspend any part of this policy.
-These By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, have been agreed to and put into affect on January 1st, 2009.
-These By-Laws supersede any and all other forms of By-Laws previous to the above approval date.
____________________________________ _______________________________
Chief Burkush, Manchester Fire Department Explorer’s Name
Print name